Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh, my baby's not a baby anymore...

It's hitting me really hard lately how big my baby is getting. It seems like it happened over night! Ian brought home his report card this week with all A's and we couldn't be more proud. Not only that, but I've noticed him caring for Tucker a lot. Doing things like getting him a snack, finding him a toy, helping him clean up a mess that he didn't even help make, holding his hand to walk down steps, getting him paper towels (he needs a lot of those), and lots more. The best part of it all, nobody even asks him to do these things before he does them and he doesn't come back expecting praise or a pat on the back.


This is one proud momma, but sad at the same time. I've been able to be home with him since he was one year old, but even though I was here, he grew up so fast I feel like I missed most of it. Did I blink a really long time? Where did all the time go? We're so proud of him for how he's doing at school and at home.

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